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So, if this rebirth has happened it cannot unhappen. (Starting at 1:13:10-1:16:30), Jack Hyles comes up to give his thank yous in regards to what made him great after the student body screams that they want Jack Hyles to get at least 50 years of serving in FBCH. There was a problem saving your notification. In Ballengers case, threats against the victims and family were made by members of FBCH, and Hyles allowed it to happen without any rebuke. So his opinion is hardly one to be dismissed lightly. I once believed and now I dont. The pastor let members know that he was dismissed for inappropriate conduct as well as inappropriate relationship. They didnt expose his actual sins for what they were. The inappropriate relationship between Schaap and the 17-year-old, however, was discovered when a church deacon saw on Schaap's cellphone a picture of Schaap and the teenager kissing. Thousands would be baptized on certain Big Days, but FBCH wouldnt see the number of church attenders grow. In 1980, a Hyles- Anderson student in his church obtained roughly 1,000 decision cards from First Baptists visitation ministry. My husband left for the base at six in the morning, and I didnt see him again until four in the afternoon, when he would pass by me in line as I helped serve the meal we had prepared for 100 men. He is a private attorney and Deputy Prosecutor for the State of Indiana. Hyles followers have been conditioned for many years not to listen to anything bad. 31 were charged for molesting underage girls (most of them were girls 15 years of age and younger, including some that molested girls who were age 10 and younger. He would warn his congregation from the pulpit about how FBCH had become a victim of unfair persecution by the H.E.W. I taught soul winning in Pastors School. She remembers being very afraid of Hyles. He taught that all forms of criticism and dissent towards himself was sinful, that nobody in his church (including all leadership), as well as any other IFB churches/pastors, could disagree with him. https://brucegerencser.net/2020/09/bruce-you-are-a-very-sad-and-bitter-old-man/. All that meant was that our whole family was required to be their indentured servants. Ive given him so much. Each allegation confirms what others have said also. But marriage becomes Til death do us part after that. Whether the doctor is sleeping in the next room or is out in a tavern doesnt matter, hes not doing any good for the patient. They have not instructed him to confess his sins. Hyles taught that wives and husbands should throw themselves into church ministry and soul-winning and put that as a priority before caring for their families. With Mark Foeller and Timothy Leonard, there was no church investigation into the matter. 5. Sometimes Judy would answer it and Hyles would nervously stammer, not expecting Judy to be on the phone. No church discipline has been done. Somebody tell Jesus to get off the throne already. Hyles talked about praying to his dead mother. Hmmm, something happened in your life! I assume that you dont believe in leprechauns or that the earth is flat? Even though Hyles didnt specifically go to the extreme of teaching the torture of children, some of the church leadership that followed him were influenced by his teachings on sever punishment and took it further. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2014/02/19/south-jersey-church-organist-charged-with-sexually-abusing-at-least-5-boys/, JOHN EDWARD WILSON DORM FATHER OF CAMP TRACEY OF HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH IN JACKSONVILLE, FL. Hyles preached that backsliding is a necessary part of spiritual growth. He did step out on Cindy, so divorce was an option, and she took it. As far As the former mrs schaap, jack schaap got into major trouble in prison for some sick public stuff he tried to do with a female visitor, it see,w that it was his wife he did this too, In front of everyone. At least 5 of them were guilty of violent acts of abuse. Pastor Jack Schaap, who groomed a teenage girl for sex, is out of prison Megachurch preacher Jack Schaap told his victim that sex was "exactly what Christ desires for us." by Hemant Mehta May 07, 2022 Reading Time: 7 minutes Jack Schaap preaches at Pastors' School 2010 (via YouTube) Reading Time: 7 minutes Pastor Jack Schaap is out of prison. The baby had to be in a body cast because of his injuries. She had gone to Hyles many times about the affairs. Glen, Ill not respond at length but I will say this. The pastor hushed up the matter and launched him on some other unsuspecting church. Pastor Jack Schaap will be sentenced Wednesday for having sex with an underage girl. He must repent of that which makes him lost. You can hear this part in his sermon here: 4. Were you able to negotiate a contract? Hyles covered up the sins of his own deacons and staff that were involved with adultery. Caught when a teacher walked in on him when he was molesting the older girl. He was a loyal member of FBCH, graduated from HAC and Hyles-Anderson Seminary and received a M.Th., a Masters degree in Pastoral Theology. I will remain you that independent churches operate as a group as they do not often take their doctrine from the declarations of a man, most independent churches, regardless of the denomination.. Jack Hyles did nothing about it and continued to keep his son on staff. He saw firsthand, the broken marriages, destroyed family structures, and wrecked lives of new believers because of Davids affairs. Charged with 2 counts of attempting to commit or committing lewd acts upon a minor. Jack Schaap pedophile pastor 62, pleaded guilty to taking a 16-year-old girl he was counseling at First Baptist across state lines for sex, and in March 2013 he was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison. But you do not judge their guilt or innocence even by two or three or a hundred witnesses! you dont make your decision. Sermon: Justice and Witnessess, preached in 1990 (Voyle Glover p 260-261). It explores the controversies of both Hyles alleged affair with Jennie Nischik and the serial adulteries, perversions, and abuses of Dave Hyles. (Friday Church News Notes, August 26, 2022, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143),
It was isolating, intense, and frightening when she was little. While it obviously is sex outside of marriage, this is not just adultery. Schaap, as mentioned above, is now in prison. Only someone with false teachings is going to give you something new. IFB=independent Fundamentalist Baptist church movement. 3 other women testified that he had molested them as children. In spite of the charges, he remains the Director on Anchor Baptist Churchs Mission Board. During a church youth conference. Brother, Ive never heard a bad thing about you because I dont hear bad things about anybody Ive never heard a bad thing about you, cause two reasons: Folks know I wont listen to bad things, so they dont tell me. A history. The Sword of the Lords, Shelton Smith, along with many other Fundamental Baptist preachers participated in this. Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jack Hyles daughter, considered her father a cult leader. You can certainly look with great fear of judgment and fiery indignation because you have trodden under foot the Son of God, and counted the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing. Hyles also dismissed the grossness of the sin by saying that Ballenger just likes little girls. When he was out on bond, Hyles and FBCH gave Ballenger a standing ovation. Schaap unsuccessfully petitioned the court from prison in 2014 that despite being a married man with children, it was he who was seduced and dominated by a teenage girl. The pastor did not show pity for Johnsons victim when he made a public statement. Charged with 16 counts of sexual indecent with children and molesting young girls. Each case was violent, extreme, excessive, and even shocking. Dave Hyles was a habitual fornicator through his teenage years and was an adulterer while he was married. CHARLES SHIFFLETT HYLES PROTEGE AND FANATICAL HYLES DEVOTEE / FORMER PASTOR OF CALVERY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CULPEPER, VIRGINIA Indicted on seven counts of abuse, including sexual abuse, and endangerment of children. If you ever missed a week you were told you didnt love your sailors and wanted them all to go to Hell. Kill them! She said, My poor husband got only 3 to 4 hours sleep at night during the week while going to night college. She said she went to Hyles and he did nothing about it. 1 was charged with indecent liberties with a minor. The only thing he said to the delegates was The boy has done something awful, and I prefer that you not look at it., (Voyle Glover p 58, 94-95, 108 -109, 255-258, 260, 269-270; Jerry Kaifetz p 72, 77; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 6:35, 47:50, 1:37:15; Linda Hyles Murphrey 5:42; Paula Hyles Polonco Part 1: 1:33, 3:02, Part 4: 2:04, Book Interview: p 362, 378, 385; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 10:18, 10:52), JACK HYLES NOT ONLY COVERED UP HIS SONS SINS, HE COVERED UP THE IMMORAL SINS IN HIS OWN CHURCH AND THE SINS OF MANY PASTORS IN THE INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MOVEMENT. Hed preach sermons about raising up a child in the way he should go, and had told the members to give their children to him, to trust him, and that he knew best about raising kids. You have permission to edit this article. Yet more evidence of the totally inconsistent and, much of the time, incomprehensible nature of the bible. Yet when you listen to the next video clip, you can hear Hyles in a promo video about HAC, that there school barely pays the bills, that they only have enough money to survive. He did not understand the gospel, either, so he was not born again.. Dave Hyles had over a dozen affairs while he was the pastor of Miller Road Baptist Church. Hyles made thousands of buttons for his followers to wear that said Hyles 100% Support. Fear and rejection by Hyles was the driving force that fostered complete obedience and unquestioned loyalty. Caleb held him down while his brother beat him until his kidneys failed. Her worth is defined primarily by her obedience to the higher authority which is always men. If not one of the sexual scandals or monetary escapades was true, what that place does on a day to day basis, to all those unfortunate enough to have fallen into their way, is enough to shut their doors forever. Another person who went to FBCH and read many of Hyles books said, several of my friends have had their lives messed up by this CULT An all that I found was self-righteousness., Another former student of HAC, who also had family very involved in FBCH reviewed the book Fundamental Seduction and said, This book is worth reading, especially for those who still believe to this day that Jack Hyles was a man of God, rather than the truth, which was that at some point his pride led him down the road to creating a cult that has been responsible for an unbelievable amount of abuse and damage to the lives of others the average person cannot imagine that corruption of this system and so many other churches spawned from it Hyles was a phony who did untold damage to untold numbers of people, and unfortunately, he is still fooling people, many of them good people, long after his death. Another reviewer of Fundamental Seduction said, Excellent in revealing the truth. No church discipline was taken with Wilson. Does this sound like a man who has truly been repentant of his sins and has taken the blame on himself? The HAC student had expressed many opinions about Hyles with one being God only is working through First Baptist and that church is needed if revival is going to take place in America if Jack were not around, no Americans today would be saved., (Voyle Glover p 114, 423; Jerry Kaifetz p 90; Testimony from a friend of a HAC student 11/3/01 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). HYLES WOULD HAVE THE COLLEGE GIRLS SING SONGS TO HIM TO IDOLIZE HIM. It turns out that the charismatic youth leader had more than evangelism on his mind. He was so injured that he spent a week in intensive care and needed a blood transfusion. He was idolized and worshiped by his followers. They were caught in a lawsuit with the severe spanking of a student. I said yes out of politeness, but it was all so fast. Andy Beith ran off with an 11 year old girl on a cross- country sex spree to Las Vegas. Haley Losinski, 36, of Winfield, died Monday from blunt force injuries, the coroner's office said. How do I know? Even with the evidence, both Father and Son continue to pastor at their church. Phil Schaap Net Worth. This philosophy became a doctrine that was almost a doctrine alongside of salvation, overlaid with Hear No Evil; See No Evil; Speak No Evil. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kYCVyjFgjR0J:articles.philly.com/1987-08-12/news/26169171_1_police-and-detectives-new-charges-chester-county-man+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a, DIRK JACKSON PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN PORT ORCHARD, WA. They are despicable creatures! (Witnesses: Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 31:05; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:58; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). AS PEOPLE ELEVATED JACK HYLES IN THEIR MINDS BY HIS STORIES ABOUT HIMSELF, LIES, EMBELLISHMENTS, AND DISTORTIONS WERE MORE EASILY ACCEPTED. 1 of them graduated both HAC and its seminary. 5. None of them rebuked Pastor Tom Neal or his son Greg Neal, but instead covered it up. Below are quotes from Hyles sermons that prove this point. Schaap was vicious, demeaning, and mean to his subordinates, often humiliating them in front of peers. Had Mary been guilty of fornication, Joseph could have scripturally legally divorced her, as their marriage had not yet been consummated. Marriages in FBCH would dissolve, and children, as they grew up, would move spiritually away from the Lord. (News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit ; Testimony of a FBCH high school grad/former HAC student, a wife of a Hyles follower, 2 witnesses who were raised by fathers who where devoted Hyles followers, another wife of a Hyles-Anderson graduate, and 15 year member of FBCH 1/6/99, 4/8/99, 9/14/02, 11/2004 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm; Amazon Book Reviews: Profaned Pulpit September 19, 2013 by Amazon Customer, March 22, 2013 by Kim Nicks), IFB CHURCHES AROUND THE COUNTRY HAVE CHILD MOLESTERS, ABUSERS, AND SEXUAL PREDETORS IN THEIR PULPITS, AND CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND STAFF POSITIONS . 7 of them were charged with different sexual predatory acts. Hyles followers have been conditioned through mind control and brainwashing over the years not to listen to anything bad. He is quoted as saying to this girl named Arlene, Arlene, youre very touchable to a young man I can see why 100 young men want to touch her, couldnt you (asking the delegates). A cleaning crew caught him in the act. As most of you know, Jack Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, is serving a 12 year sentence in federal prison for having sexual relations with a minor. Here are the 13 serious accusations that I individually explore in much detail later on. ' Sermon: That Which is Unseen, preached at Miller Road Baptist Church in Texas (Voyle Glover p 99-100), He [God] said, Ive given him [Hyles] so much. Convicted for having sex with a 17-year-old student at Landmark Christian School. Neal secretly videotaping church girls getting changed. What the hell does all this word salad even mean? Indicted for alleged sexual conduct with a 14-year-old boy in his congregation. Himself or the LORD? The numbers could be staggering. It is sickening to me that a man who claims to be a messenger of God, with a daughter of his own, would take advantage of a young girl in such an evil and immoral manner.. With your will you believe and rely upon Christ to save you. There were weeks that our children only saw their dad for a few hours on Friday nights. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/127882498.html, DONN KETCHAM PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN PORT ORCHARD, WA, Molested adolescent girls who where missionary kids. She even said that members are so influenced by Hyles that they would believe that if Jack Hyles told them that he was black, they would believe it. 2. Are they still married? 1. Samson was so dedicated to God that when he made some stupid mistake (adultery), God said I need the fella too much to put him on the shelf. EYEWITNESS #7: VIDEO NEWS INVESTIGATION PREYING FROM THE PULPIT (BY WJBK-TV, DETROIT, MI). 2. Pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a 16-year-old teenage girl who was a church member. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Jack Hyles philosophy on how families should put ministry first before caring for their spouse and children, eventually destroyed many families. He had plans to marry her and have babies with her. The following link is a promo video of the soul-winning clubs at FBCH. The following is by Pastor Matt McPhillips, Court Street Baptist Church, Port Huron, Michigan, pastorcourtstreet@sbcglobal.net --. He would have the college girls sing songs to him that would idolize him. One of the girls became pregnant because of it. The former pastor of a northwest Indiana megachurch on Wednesday was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parishioner. Unholy and delusional thou art and shall suffer, oh yes, suffer beyond your wildest fears Hyles boasted about all the million dollar buildings he was able to buy from the pulpit, yet made people believe that they could barely pay the bills at Hyles-Anderson College in a promo video. Jeremy Schaap was born in New York in August 1969. Its amazing that they didnt seem to care if we loved our children enough to spend some time with them to keep them out of Hell, no wonder MOST of the faculty and staff kids ended up rebelling and leaving the place., (Voyle Glover p 39, 93, 135-136, 158; Testimonies of 2 HAC graduates 10/9/00, 1/2005 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). You dont think he deserved a prison sentence for what he did? Hyles was able to exercise crowd control with textbook perfection in its operation. No one should be forced to remain married to someone they no longer want to be married to. The community was not warned about him. Youre not fit to be a deacon in a Baptist church. Sermon: This Is Not Your Rest, preached 1-13-1979. 4 of them were guilty of molesting underage boys including rape and sodomy. ! The Bureau of Prisons didnt return calls for comment about the reason for the change. If I cant arrange a reconciliation, then send them to hell, but if they agree that they are wrong, would you forgive them? God answered, Only for your sake. Jesus said, Ill make it happen. When Jesus went back to heaven, God the Father said, Well what happened? (You can hear the actual teaching from Jack Hyles in an 11 minute audio clip of him preaching this. They were told to preach to them on the buses and to drive them down the alley behind the church so that they could count their professions of faith since they were made on church property. This was what Hyles told them to do over and over. YOUR GOD HAS DOOMED YOU TO CAPITL LETTERS AND WAIT, OH MY! Each delegate will receive a picture of this historic gathering and a souvenir with which to remember this amazing service. So to continue, here is an examination of the eyewitnesses, which I have personally read and researched, providing overwhelming evidence to all these allegations. Their church and family have continued to defend them. Please stop lying about IFB churches. This alleged affair had reportedly been going on since 1969. There are some 42000 Christian denominations. They diligently followed up on these individuals but were extremely disappointed to find that not even one was interested in the things of Christ. If you are doing so much good for God, God has even more patience with you if you fall into sin. God has demerits and he also has merits. 1 was the daughter of Jack Hyles alleged mistress. Steve you have the wrong BIBLE thats not what it said. He let a sexual predator slip away from justice. The victims were 16 and 14 years old. Phil Schaap aka Philip van Noorden Schaap was an American jazz disc jockey, archivist, producer, and historian. 2. While he should never again hold such a position of trust, Jack has paid his debt to society and needs love. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. He was not a humble man. The million dollar question is this: where are all of those souls? Both victims were members of families who attended the church. Hyles dismissed the grossness of the sin by saying that Ballenger just likes little girls. Jack Schaap excused Ballengers crime by saying that the child really, really, liked hugging men. Another court record stated he previously told prison officials he planned to relocate to Texas. The members who left that same church over the scandal were also vilified. A person receives the body of Christ. 200? They escaped jail because there wasnt enough evidence to sentence them. Schaap also blames the underage victim, branding her as a seductress, so that he can get less time in prison. 14 of them were Graduates or students at HAC. They have not dethroned Hyles from their hearts and repented of their idolatry. Hyles preached that soul-winning covers all sins. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. 7. When the 16-year-old girl asked Schaap if it was wrong what they were doing, he used Jesus Christ as a means to continue sleeping with her. JACK HYLES TAUGHT MANY FALSE DOCTRINES, MANY WHICH BELITTLED SIN . ! Schaap, 54, was fired from First Baptist Church in Hammond on Tuesday after 11 years in the pulpit, . http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/17158940/deputies-greenville-man-molested, DANIEL ASHBY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR AT COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AT CALVARY COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN NORTHGLENN, CO. Investigation linked him to sharing child porn electronically. Someone they no longer want to be dismissed lightly PREYING from the pulpit, God God. Which to remember this amazing service an 11 minute audio clip of him preaching this jack schaap net worth molested adolescent girls where... Of him preaching this his debt to society and needs love, OH My even two. Guilty of violent acts of abuse, not expecting Judy to be married.... 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